Dwayne C. Sampson

Founder and President/CEO
Transportation Diversity Council

It has been eight years since this organization crafted and adopted its first strategic plan. In the intervening years, the transportation industry has made significant advancements in technology and other disciplines. These ways of growth have shed light on additional means required to support sustainable growth. Transportation Diversity Council (TDC) recognizes these needs as opportunities.

In this day, as we update this plan, we face yet another challenge – COVID-19. This pandemic has had an incredible impact on the transportation industry. When transportation is impacted, the community is impacted, socially and economically. TDC maintains its commitment to both industry and community and remains steadfast in its efforts of diversifying the pool of those engaged to grow and further develop both the transportation and construction industries. This includes the deliberate inclusion and participation of all who use and benefit from them, including the underrepresented; in employment, minority businesses; in contract acquisition and other progressive initiatives.

TDC is proud to be at the forefront of the next level of transportation, developing leaders, identifying opportunities for minority business and community sourced employment, creating space in industries where both community and business can thrive.

It is within this context that TDC’s Board, staff and friends have crafted a plan for the next three years that is both aspirational and sound. This plan calls upon the strengths of all stakeholders, integrating and leveraging partnerships and assets to build upon current momentum and ensure progress that is both efficient and effective.
I call upon each person reading this plan to identify a role you can take to help ensure our success. We welcome you as partners in this important work, and pledge to work tirelessly to realize a more diverse transportation community.

Warmest Regards,

Dwayne C. Sampson
President and CEO

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