TDC keeps users fully engaged in
dynamic interaction.
TDC fosters an environment where agencies and institutions become familiar with the capabilities of the TDC Business User Network and seek user participation and input in executing agency projects. Through TDC various courses of interaction, user businesses and individuals gain confidence in pursuing agency projects.
TDC has devised a number of programmatic avenues in accomplishing this goal:
• Meet the Agencies: TDC hosts periodic meet-and-greet events on regional and national levels that bring together agency representatives and TDC users. These interactions spur a vibrant exchange, and create a mutual understanding as the foundation for doing business
• Agency Planning Updates: TDC monitors Agency Planning Updates to enable users to plan the pursuit of emerging projects. TDC keeps users informed through web posting, email blasts and other media.
• Marketing to the National or Global Transportation Industry: TDC is a voice for user businesses in making agencies and institutions aware of their capabilities such that they seek the participation of the TDC Business User Network in execution of projects.
TDC seeks to guide and assist agencies and institutions in meeting and exceeding their M/W/D/SBE goals. Via engagement and interaction, TDC develops cooperative relationships with other transportation and construction organizations to ensure that our users have access to both the national and global arena.
Stay Ahead of the Curve with TDC